Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Platform Festival on June 27, 2007

The Blogger Panel I was scheduled to participate in started at 11:30 in the morning at the Winningstad Theatre within the Portland Centre of Performing Arts complex. It was close enough to the hotel to walk to so I started my day with a hike through downtown Portland. Here's the first shot that struck me on the trek, a Portland streetcar stopping to pick up a passenger.

As I got closer to the Performing Arts Centre, I noticed a big gathering of people in the park close by. There was something going on that looked like a farmers market or maybe something connected to the Platform Festival, I wasn't sure. In any case, a big public gathering.

You don't see much of this in LA. People reading books, playing pink violins and gathering around to share ideas.

Just a little ways down from the park, this must be the place!

The street side of the Performing Arts Centre looking back in the direction I just came from by the park full of people.

Everywhere you looked in the area was a reminder of what was happening. Portland's first major animation festival.

Made it! The reception desk for the Platform International Animation Festival.